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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Mr. Wizard, aka Buzzy Dale, Mystery Guest

The New School now has its own Mr. Wizard! Buzzy Dale (Chloe's father) is sharing his love of teaching science and knowledge as we explore electricity and magnetism. His first demonstration had the children enraptured as he demonstrated how electricity flows through conductors, and is stopped by insulators. He also demonstrated how materials vary in their resistance and how electricity creates heat and can be used to do work. The use of a blow torch caused all kinds of excitement! There is more to come!

Megan Wagner-Flynn visits as a Mystery Guest

Megan Wagner-Flynn visited The New School, not as Evan's sister, but as a Mystery Guest! The students guessed that she was here to share about her experience as a former student at The New School and they were right. Megan brought 3 of her end of year gifts she received. She shared the meaning of each gift, which represented her passions, her strengths and things she was working towards improving at that time. Megan also shared some meaningful memories and why she appreciates The New School, then and now. It was a wonderful opportunity for the students to appreciate their school. Thank you Megan!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Phil Brill, Mystery Guest

Phil Brill, Valor's Grandpa and author of a children's book, The Red Bottle, was in town visiting his family. He offered to come to school and share his real life story that inspired him to write The Red Bottle. He shared the lovely story of his trip to the beach where he found sea glass. He talked about the process of turning this experience into a book. The students were intrigued with Phil's illustrated story boards that became the pictures in his book. The students had to search for the hidden bottle in each picture! Students are now busy taking turns reading the four signed copies of The Red Bottle that Phil was generous enough to give to The New School.