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Saturday, November 13, 2010


Every day we have "Investigations" at school in the afternoon. This is a time for students to have a choice about how they spend about an hour of their afternoon. Choices this fall have ranged from RazKids and Kid Pix on the computers to gross motor play with Dance and Wooden Marble Run to pretend play with the dress up materials. This is also a time for parents to come in and share their passion with the students. This fall we've had a parent come and cook Chinese food with students and a grandparent of an Alumni teach origami. Our afternoons are pretty flexible and we aim to have students trying 3-4 different choices each week. We also use this time for students to teach what they are interested in or like to do. We call this a "Legacy" as it will be how they are remembered throughout the year. Some Legacies students have taught and participated in have included: Archery, Paper Airplanes, Star Wars Game, Target Practice and Board Games brought from home.

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