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Thursday, October 11, 2012


                Students in Kindergarten through second grade have been learning about habitats and the different species that live in them.  So far we’ve read “A House for Hermit Crab,” written by Eric Carle as an introduction to what a habitat is.  We’ve compared our own habitat to Hermit Crab’s habitat. We have discussed how different species need different things in order to survive in their habitat.  Students did a Visual Thinking Strategy (VTS) activity with a partner to learn about ocean life.  Each pair was given a picture from the story “Flotsam,” by David Wiesner and they were asked to write three sentences describing the ocean life they observed and to draw their own picture.  On our Highland Forest field trip children listened to “Chipmunk on Hollow Tree Lane,” a story about a chipmunk preparing for hibernation.  On a hike, students in pairs worked together on a scavenger hunt to find various elements of a forest habitat.  Although we were unsure the students would find chipmunks we came across a family, along with wild mushrooms, burrows and nests.  It was a great time!  The goal of this class is to have a broad understanding of habitats and how they relate to the species that live in them.  The students have been engaged and interested in the lessons and activities.  


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