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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Data and Graphing

This fall the younger group of students in 2nd and 3rd  grades began a data class with Johnna our student teacher. Throughout this class the students demonstrated the ability to collect numerical data, represent class data in a variety of ways and develop language used to interpret data. Johnna modeled each step before the students were free to complete them on their own. We learned how to tally when collecting data, and how bar graphs and pictographs are ways to represent collected data. The students  answered questions to interpret the data. They worked through multiple steps:
Step 1: choose a question to investigate
            Step 2: collect and record data
            Step 3: organize the data
            Step 4: represent the data
            Step 5: describe and interpret the data

Each student went around the school and collected data about a question they choose in small groups. They had to organize their data and then began working on a bar graph to represent the data. 

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