For the older student, our early American History unit began in September with a study of the early explorers to the New World. The students were divided into four groups (countries): Spain, France, England and Holland. Each group is responsible for researching and presenting information on an explorer from their country. At school we have traced a map of the world, which will soon show the travels of Robert de La Salle, Henry Hudson, Sir Francis Drake, Ponce de Leon, Cabaza de Vaca, Giovanni Da Verrazano, Samuel de Champlain, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and John Cabot. Students will also be writing a short text about their explorer, which will be added to the map. As we read, discuss, watch videos we are learning that these men explored for many different reasons. They sailed across the Atlantic to conquer, to colonize, to chart, to convert, to find riches, and to find a shorter route to the riches of Far East.
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