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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How Many Seeds are in a Pumpkin?

K +1st grade students explored how many seeds are inside a pumpkin.  We started out by reading part of the book How Many Seeds are in a Pumpkin by Margaret McNamara.  After we read about how the class in the book got messy and goopy emptying out pumpkins, we estimated how many seeds we thought were in each pumpkin and got messy ourselves!  Then overnight we let the seeds dry and started counting them the next morning.  Each pair decided to group their seeds in 10's and then count by tens to see what the totals were.  It took us two class periods to count up all the seeds we had!  We finished reading our book and learned that the size of the pumpkin isn't the deciding factor in how many seeds are inside.  It depends more on how long the pumpkin was left to grow on it's vine.  Our cleaned out pumpkins are now being used for fairy houses out in the woods.

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