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Saturday, October 1, 2011


Students in grades K-2 have been "time traveling" back to 1620 to explore what it would be like to be a Pilgrim setting sail on the Mayflower.  Counting by 10's, up to 390 years, students crawl through our time travel tunnel to go back in time and talk about what life is like in the 1620s and how the world was different in those days.  During classes, we have discussed how people in the 1600's knew what the world and globe looked like, why they would want to leave Europe for the New World, what they could and couldn't take with them, how long it would take to cross the ocean and the size and shape of the Mayflower.  We even went outside to measure with our bodies how long 90 yards (the length of the Mayflower) would be!  We measured from the tall grass by the gully all the way out into the parking lot, but decided that 102 passengers in that distance was a small space.  And we decided that it would be much better to be a child on the Mayflower because the ceilings were so low!  Students are currently taking on the role of one of the children that were on the Mayflower and exploring what it would be like to go on such a long sea voyage so many years ago.

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